2023 年 3 月 8 日 - 2023 年 4 月 26 日
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Piramide Building, 1F, 6-6-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku

Perrotin Tokyo is pleased to present The Dolmens, Emma Webster’s first exhibition in Japan.

This new suite of paintings and drawings delves into the underground, petrification, and man’s containment of nature. Here, Webster links the canvas frame with the shallow-depth diorama, display vitrine, and primordial tomb.

The following are excerpts from curator Hiromi Kurosawa of the 21st Century Museum in Kanazawa.

ペロタン東京はこのたび、日本初となるエマ・ウェブスターの個展「The Dolmens」(支石墓)を開催いたします。





Experimenting with illusion and motion, artists have grappled with how to anchor an image in two dimensions, amid phase shifts and an expansion of space and time. In the present day, digital images (and their reception) offer a next experimental frontier for contemporary artists and viewers. Virtual reality has provided a new tool in the age-old quest of painters to render three-dimensionality. Presumably, such technology seeks to arrive at an endophysical state, where no objective description of an observer’s environment is possible without the observer’s presence affecting the result.



This makes it all the more fascinating how Emma Webster reorients digital technology back to the two-dimensional realm. Incorporating computer graphics and other technical processes, her images of skies, trees, and terrain represent space and contours as an amalgamation of points fixed to a two-coordinate grid that become an infinite landscape through a careful calibration of three constituent color elements.


Webster’s use of VR goes further in terms of dimension, perception, and immersion in the image. Her practice is built on the close observation of landscapes, over hours and days, which she then translates into two dimensions. VR devices transcend dimensional barriers to free us from the constraints of physical reality, akin to directly creating another world of its own. By anchoring this world in two dimensions, Webster creates further looping illusions. Her landscapes have a richness of depth that crosses the dimensional threshold. Rather than looking in from the outside as an objective observer of a painting, the viewer of Webster’s works is placed in a position to describe the world from within the landscapes themselves, visually traveling across dimensions.


Visual devices can act as a clarifying lens for the desires and intentions formulated (or in Webster’s case, painted) by humankind. The Oculus VR device she used in the creation of this work brings greater focus to her intentions: How does she want to see the world, how does she attempt to transform the world, what does she seek to convey as a result, and what emotions/sensations does she seek to stimulate in the viewer? Technology has fundamentally changed how we see and feel nature, and Webster’s practice responds to these changes by reshaping our perception of reality. Her work confronts the collateral effects of landscape’s evolution. As the environment becomes more artificial and complex, the boundary between the imagined, objectified nature and nonnatural becomes more fluid. Over time, nature has somehow become less “real.”


Nature is profoundly vast, its complexities bathed in a myriad range of light. Landscape painters have long debated the ideal color, form, and composition to express this natural richness in a convincing way. Yet curiously, even if we might walk in open nature, taking note of what we see, we are rarely conscious of perceiving a “landscape.” For there to be a landscape, we have to generate a panoramic wholeness in our minds, greater than an awareness of all the things spread out side by side in our field of vision.

As there is no single, fixed vantage point in Webster’s works, the viewer is free to wander through the landscape as their eyes roam. The expansive spaces unfolding within Webster’s paintings are a sublime vestige and vicarious window into her process.




Born in 1989 in Encinitas, CA, USA
Lives and works in Los Angeles

Emma Webster’s landscape paintings teleport viewers into the otherworldly. The places she depicts, convincing and hallucinatory, merge spatial expectations with mystifying fantasy. The paintings come from a hybrid sketching-sculpting process within screen-space. Webster first constructs scenes in virtual reality, which she then embellishes with theatrical illumination, to create natural vistas that relish in artifice, drama, and distortion. Of her VR models, Webster says: “Working from within the still-life is more akin to how we go about the world. There can be no ‘outside.’”

Emma Webster (b. 1989) is a graduate of Stanford University (BA, 2011) and Yale University, where she received an MFA in Painting in 2018. In 2021, Webster published Lonescape: Green, Painting, & Mourning Reality, a collection of musings on landscape and image-making in an increasingly digital world.




1989年生まれ。2011年スタンフォード大学卒業。2018年イェール大学美術学修士号(絵画)取得。2021年、デジタル化が進展する世界における風景画と画像制作について熟考した作品集「Lonescape: Green, Painting, & Mourning Reality」発表。

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