Gabriel RICO
Pecary from the series -La causa y El efecto-, 2021
Taxidermy, brass, clay vase, neon, feather, fishing baits, popotillo grass
180 × 80 × 140 cm | 70 7/8 × 31 1/2 × 55 1/8 inch
Localisation actuelle: New York - USA
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"In this series I use clay and ceramic vases as a metaphor to pottery as a cause or principle for the development of civilization and some modern materials such as glass, sponge, plastic as a reference to the possibilities to manipulate matter that currently exist and as the effect/reference to the current state of society, I propose a connection between these materials from a hexagonal brass bar, which I use in a metaphorical way as a reference to the importance that has had the use of metals and geometry to reach this point In civilization."

-Gabriel Rico