What the Day Hides, the Night Shows
solo show
28 octobre 2022 - 7 janvier 2023
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Perrotin Tokyo is pleased to announce What the Day Hides, The Night Shows — the first solo exhibition in Japan by French artist Lionel Estève. The exhibition presents two types of works - drawings on fabrics and sculptures made of stone - and explores the notions of landscape and pareidolia. The following are excerpts from an essay authored by curator Akiko Miki on the occasion of this exhibition.


It seems fabulous and incredible to me that the fleeting, almost abstract, uncertain fluid image the stars give us has allowed men for centuries to navigate and find their way.


— Lionel Estève

The visual arts—encompassing sculptures, paintings, and installations—tend to invite a wide myriad of interpretation through the filter of words. On occasion, however, we encounter work that almost seems to defy or even reject description. To me, Lionel Estève’s work is a prime example. Of course, this by no means implies that there is nothing to say about his work. Rather, his decisively modest and sometimes fragile creations aspire toward something that cannot be expressed in words, making me feel that any attempt at critique or interpretation may strip away the sense of pure curiosity and surprise that forms the core of his work, as well as inhibit the numerous potential discoveries thereon.


The exhibition spaces Estève creates are often reminiscent of natural history museums, laboratories, or showrooms. However, the materials used in his work largely consist of prosaic objects that typically receive little attention, whether natural materials like stones, sand, shells, and tree leaves collected from the seaside and riverbeds, or colorful plastics, ropes, beads, and sequins. Many are reused materials and reclaimed scrap. Estève’s approach is extremely low-tech, mainly entailing manual work such as sewing, tying, pasting, and collage-like assemblage. Moreover, his production processes eschew specialized techniques in favor of a more accessible style that rather resembles handicrafts, often imbued with a sense of childlike play.

エステーヴの展示空間は、しばしば、自然博物館や実験室、あるいはショールームのような場所を彷彿とさせる。だが、作品に用いられる素材は、海辺や川底で拾い集めて来た石や砂、貝、樹木の葉といった自然の素材や、色彩豊かな人工のプラスチック、ロープ、ビーズ、スパンコールなどで、いずれも 「取るに足らない」、普通であれば人々があまり注目しないようなものが中心である。再利用した材料も多く、なかには廃材も含む。また、その制作テクニックも極めて「ローテク」で、コラージュのように「貼る」、「組み合わせる」、あるいは「縫う」、「結ぶ」といった手作業が主である。しかも、巧の技術とか職人技というような必ずしも高度な技術と熟練を要するものではなく、趣味の手芸とか子供の遊び感覚に近いものも多く、実際、彼の作品の大半は作家自身が子供たちと過ごした時間や各地への旅の想い出が元になっているという。

Estève’s purview, which is both figurative and abstract, lies at the intersection between fine art, popular art, and folk art. His work emphasizes and visualizes preexisting forms found in our surroundings and in nature, and explores new possibilities created by combining and relating differing elements such as the environment, space, material, color, and texture. Upon encountering his work, viewers are prompted to expand their imagination and perspective, often involving physicality, and are confronted with the question: How do you see it?


This first solo exhibition of Estève’s work in Tokyo demonstrates the artist’s employment of familiar materials—stones collected in nature and copper filaments presumably found in his studio—with the extremely simple and direct gestures that are his métier. If the multiple firework-esque images displayed on the gallery wall are fragments of the starry sky, perhaps the combination of large and small stones arranged on the floor symbolize the earth and the people living on it. The cairns, or piled stones, evoke an offering to the gods of nature and remind us of primitive nature beliefs, prototypes of craftsmanship, and the cycles of nature.


Inevitably, the exhibition recalls experiences such as the pandemic lockdowns that have had a significant impact on our lives on a global scale over the past few years. When mobility is restricted, how do we connect with distant objects and worlds? How will we interact with and live in our surroundings in the future? In response to these questions, Estève’s positive shift in mindset recalls the wisdom of ancient peoples, and suggests exploring the vast universe through tiny fragments as well as the richness of infinity through the use of simple, familiar materials and handwork.


Pareidolia, the theme of this exhibition, refers to a psychological phenomenon in which our minds perceive patterns and forms where they do not actually exist. The term describes the experience of seeing a rabbit in the moon, the face of a folkloric monster in the clouds, or an animal in a stain on a wall. Along with hierophany (a manifestation of the sacred) and apophenia (the perception of seeing regularity and connection in the information around us), pareidolia is said to have played a role in past societies by bringing order to chaos and making sense of the world. These are not mere sensory illusions, but rather the projection of order by the viewer’s perceptions and memories. Here, too, we can see that Estève’s interest lies in the expansion and potential of the human “seeing eye” in a broader sense.


By assembling these pebbles, by creating these landscapes, I hope to evoke the mystery that there is in nature, I seek to reveal its spirit, to detect its eyes which spy on us, what inhabits it.


— Lionel Estève

Né en 1967 à Lyon, France
Habite et travaille à Brussels, Belgique

Lionel Estève experiments with various materials and handcrafted techniques to create refined objects including – but not limited to – collages, assemblages, sculptures and mobiles. His unclassifiable mix-media aesthetic unapologetically eludes the current rhetoric of contemporary art to evoke instead a sheer sense of beauty. Whether figurative or abstract, his delicate visions are generally inspired after motifs found in the natural world or its sensual experience, which is the primary source of his unbridled creativity. Like a limner illuminating manuscripts, he seeks to go beyond the mere surface of things and transcend their wonders through gleeful artifice. When he doesn’t directly adorn real elements such as plants and stones, sometimes all that remains in his sculptural yet almost diaphanous oeuvre is the mesmerizing feel of shimmering light or fractal patterns blossoming. Further interested in the notion of multiverse, Lionel Estève exposes different ideas of nature to explore the possibility of parallel worlds.




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